Empowering Therapists to Build Thriving Private Practices and Live Balanced Lives

My mission is to empower you to build a thriving private practice while prioritizing your well-being. I am dedicated to helping therapists in private practice create sustainable, balanced, and profitable businesses.

Through personalized coaching, comprehensive programs, targeted courses, and a supportive community, I provide the guidance and resources you need to show up fully for yourself and others in your life.

Image of Audrey Schoen

Audrey Schoen, LMFT, Founder

Therapist - Business Consultant - Entrepreneur - Mother

Talking about business gets me fired up! I take an easy-going, straightforward, and down-to-earth approach. My superpower is taking complex information, overwhelming to-do lists, and daunting decisions and distilling them down to actionable, and aligned steps.

I'll challenge you when you are doubting your value and encourage you to reach for your dream. Prior to my current practice, I was fortunate to have many years of first-hand experience with business development, marketing, and more both in and out of the mental health field.

I love to share my knowledge and experience and help other therapists thrive.

My Story

I always knew that someday, I would have a private practice and that I wanted to craft MY perfect balance with work, parent, spouse, and self. The day my twins were born was also the day my private practice was born, though I didn’t know it at the time. I actually loved my CMH job and looked forward to returning. ​

Wait, what!?

Yes, I loved my agency, but the pay and commute were just not sustainable.

I had to confront the stark reality of commuting, pumping, sleep deprivation, and childcare costs that were more than my mortgage…to take home little to no income. I knew I needed my private practice to work FOR me. I was already having a hard enough time figuring out this thing called motherhood. So I designed my practice around my life. Not my life around my practice.

Because if I’m not taking care of myself, I cannot take care of them.

My practice launched when my twins were just 9 months old. Over the years, it has changed and evolved many times, and it continues to as I lean into discomfort and grow myself as a business owner. It has not been easy, and I have made plenty of mistakes along the way, but I now have a successful and sustainable practice full of ideal clients that can change and adapt to the ever-evolving needs of our family.

​I have achieved the dream, and I want you to have it too!

We’ve got what you need to succeed!

  • Coaching

    Take your therapy practice to new heights with personalized coaching. Gain the strategies, tools, and mindset to build a sustainable, balanced, and profitable private practice. Maximize your impact while taking care of your own well-being.

  • Programs

    Discover a comprehensive program designed to guide therapists in private practice towards success. Unleash your potential, enhance your marketing skills, and attract more clients. Achieve the work-life balance you desire while making a difference in the lives of others.

  • Courses

    Unlock the secrets to a thriving private practice with courses to help you build a website, set your fees, or craft a balanced schedule. Take charge of your professional journey and create the life you've always envisioned.

“Audrey has exceptional talent in many areas, but among them her modeling of potential and possibility truly stands out to me. Her bold fearlessness in pursuing her wildest dreams is a gift to behold and it holds a light in the darkness of limiting beliefs. This light is a gift I am deeply grateful to witness and receive. Thank you Audrey!”

— Jason Markel, AMFT

I'm committed to helping therapists unlock their full potential and create successful and fulfilling private practices.

So, whether you're a therapist looking to embark on your entrepreneurial journey or seeking to take your practice to the next level, I'm here to provide the guidance, feedback, and motivation you need. Together, let's build a thriving and impactful private practice that allows you to make a difference in the lives of your clients and care for yourself and your loved ones.

Let's Work Together to Create a Sustainable, Balanced, and Profitable Practice That Nurtures Your Wellbeing and Success.
